answers to frequently asked questions
Change Manager Role
Organizations that effectively manage change are able to do so because they possess the hallmarks of a high performance organization: agility, alignment and accountability for managing change. The #1 role of the Change Manager is to act as the focal point for Change Management activities but the accountability for managing change should never rest solely with the Change Manager.
Instead, the work of the Change Manager must focus on building managerial capacity and enabling organizational capability to manage change. The most effective Change Managers are social engineers that orchestrate activities and equip the management level with the right tools, skills, abilities and knowledge to execute strategic and tactical goals of the organization. The most successful Change Managers develop the change strategy, own the change plans that drive the change agenda and are accountable for execution - but they should never do it alone. Effective Change Management is an organizational capability.
Change should be managed by your people - not by external consultants. Inukshuk training is designed to build enterprise change management capability across your organization. This requires a significant investment of time and effort and the process begins with training for your key people. We recognize that sometimes, usually for major capital projects (e.g. ERP implementations), additional resources are required to boost immediate capability for a fixed term. Our team of trusted business advisors may be available for such assignments. Depending on your requirements we may also recommend you to someone who we know & trust to get the job done right. Give us a call or email to get the conversation started.
We seek feedback from all client engagements and measure the performance and results of our people across key business activities. We believe that the opinion that ultimately matters is that of our clients. Our values (what we believe in and how we will behave), mission and vision can be found here.
Customer satisfaction measures the extent to which customer expectations have been met (not exceeded). It has been discovered that mere customer satisfaction does not create brand loyalty nor does it encourage positive word of mouth. In contrast, customer delight is about surprising a customer by exceeding his/her expectations and thus creating a positive emotional reaction. This reaction leads to word of mouth and directly affects our sales & profitability as it helps to distinguish Inukshuk from the competition.
We guarantee to deliver results that exceed the terms and conditions of all client engagements and will always strive for customer delight.
Engaging Inukshuk
Give us a call or email to discuss your requirements. If it makes sense, we'll send you a proposal (Engagement Confirmation Letter) which includes a contract to be executed before we start the work.
Terms & Conditions
Our full terms & conditions for training and consulting engagements are included in the Engagement Confirmation Letter.
Other Questions?
Call or email to discuss questions or feedback - we'd love to hear from you.