It’s very common to position ERP projects as something more than a technology initiative. Most Consultants, Systems Integrators or vendors will tell you that implementing or upgrading an ERP system provides a window of opportunity to create lasting business change within an organization. That’s why ERP change management is so important.
Although business cases will vary, from a transformational perspective ERP change management is about making business process improvement stick. It usually involves the introduction of industry best practices (according to the selected technology platform like SAP or Oracle) throughout the entire organization to increase operational efficiency, improve overall business performance, and maximize the ERP system value.
Inukshuk's 2016 ERP survey found that next to avoiding cost overruns and project delays, the 3 most desirable ERP implementation outcomes were:
1. A technically functioning and supported system
2. Greater than 80% user adoption rate 30 days after go live
3. Improved efficiency that streamlines business processes and frees resources for higher value work
We asked some of our friends to provide their best advice for managing change or a lesson learned from their ERP (or similar, technology driven business transformation project). Here's how they responded: